Homecoming 2006 - best week of the year!
Homecoming week! The best week of the year! That was what everybody told me before this great and important event. Homecoming is a week full of fun, action and games. And of corse the name has a purpose! In this week and especially on the Friday night`s homecoming football game all the graduaters from the last years come back. So you can say it is a great family celebration!
We started our homecoming with costume pijama day on monday. That means that everybody came in their pijamas. That was a lot of fun. On tuesday was costume day and you could see a lot of pirates and dragons running through the building. Wednesday was twin day. Pretty simple. You look for somebody and try to dress the same as your partner! Very cool.
On thursday was blue and gold. That means Schlarman clothes. The whole school was blue and gold pretty amazing! The last day on friday was class shirt day. Every class had their own shirt and so everybody waered it on Friday.
During the week was a lot of stuff going on after the school! On Monday we had a speaker who talked about spirit and affort to do wel in school! the biggest game day was on Wednesday. In the evening we played Powder Puff (girls football - very funny!!!!), human pyramide, water ballon, eating competition and a lot of other games. Later that night there was a bone fire and the footballteam got fired up for their important game on friday!
The friday was a big game day! But our team lost against Hoopston! During half time it was my big hour. I was on court. That means that the Junior class voted for me to represent them during Homecoming! And I got to ride on a open corvette! That was very cool!!! Everybody got pictures and I also have some! I will post them under the picture blog!
On Saturday was the last day of Homecoming. The dance. All court members were anounct again and everybody took a lot of pictures!!!
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