St. Louis
After Thanksgiving, on Friday, we went to St. Louis to visit my hosbrother and the whole family who met at his house in St. Louis! On Friday is the biggest shopping day with the best sales in the whole year. Of course David and I could not miss this big day. And so we went shopping in one of the biggests malls ins St. Louis. That was pretty cool! Then on Saturady morning all the other family members arrived in St. Louis. My other host brother and his pregnant wife from Rolla, Iowa and one of my hostsisters with her husband also from Rolla. That means with the exception of the one daughther who lifes in Wasinghton state, my host family was comlepte! That was pretty cool! And because my hostbrother from St. Louis works for Boeing there we went flying in one of the planes from the Boeing flightclub! That was very cool and my first time ever flying an aircraft! We went over whole St. Louis and it was pretty cool to see the whole city from the view of a bird!
After our flying experience we went home and watched together the Notre Dame foorball game. It was a pretty imporatnat one against USC. But they lost!
On sunday we went up the Arch! A pretty cool building. You can see it on the pictures!
After that we drove home. And with that a very cool trip found his end!
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