Tuesday, December 26, 2006

American Christmas!!!

Late, but finally Ill tell u something about my first christmas out of Germany! 3 days before Christmas my family, david and me headed over to Rolla, Mo to visit one of my host brothers and his wife! But of course those were not the only people celebrating Chistmas with us. On the way there we also picked our hostsister in St. Louis up, who I never saw before! She had some trouble flin into St. Louis cause of delays in Denver but finally she made it all the down from Washington sate to the Midwest!
In Rolla we also met my other hostbrother from St. Louis and his wife and mys other hostsister living right in Rolla (not that long of a drive!) Our Christmas in Rolla was really cool and basicly just fun! David and I knew we not gonna see our friends for like 14 days but that was ok! The only think we really missed out one was on of our best friends had his big 18th birthdayparty back in Dville! After those 3 days we drove on to Pumeroij (definatly spelled wrong!), Iowa! There we met the partens of our hostmum! We met her before and she is literaly just damn cool! We drove up there on the 24th which was a bit sad because I was the whole European christmas eve day in that damn car drivin up there! And that was cause for americans the "real" christmas is on the 25th! But that was cool, and is one oif those things I call culutral experience!!! But anyway! Pumeroij was really cool and we had an other christmas party! Which was preatty cool and the 3rd time I celebrated christmas in the US!
Now I bet everybody is wondering what I got! KK Ill tell ya all! First of all the best present was really cool logitech web cam, but I also got Notre Dame stuff and the Notre Dame official football shirt 06! YEAH!!! Than I got a Illini banner and some other stuff, so that was thight!
But now to the real cool stuff! Read in the next blog about our vacation in Florida n of cousre the BAHAMAS!!!! Yeah thats the way to ride in the next year!


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